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Gerhard Pappert, PhD

Senior Science Writer | UP FOR LIFE Executive Team | Berlin, Germany

Gerhard Pappert specializes in communication and consulting for life science, health and technology, based on more than 15 years of experience as a researcher, writer, and project manager. Gerhard is a member of the UP FOR LIFE Executive Team and Senior Science Writer. He has created copy, content and digital solutions for clients such as Biotage, Congenica, EIT Health, ELGA Veolia, Tecan, Thermo Fisher Scientific and USP Biologics.

After studying biotechnology and earning a PhD in bioanalytics from the Technical University of Munich, Gerhard worked in editorial positions at academic publishers where he developed journals and launched more than 140 books. Based in Berlin, he is using his scientific, creative and business skills to create opportunities, bring science to life and help clients sell more of their sophisticated products and services.

Taking full advantage of UP's cloud-based e-ployment model, he enjoys exploring the world and working from different countries several months out of the year.

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