Membership application

We are accepting applications that include a recommendation from a current UP member. Please complete the form to apply for UP membership if you've been recommended.

Are you a fit?

UP new member checklist

Before completing the application form, please first consider these criteria for UP membership:

  • You should have a strong service mentality – that’s what the agency business is all about. The better service you provide, the more clients come back with additional work.
  • You should be a self starter,  entrepreneurial – looking for ways to grow business with existing accounts, as well as bringing in new ones.
  • You should be comfortable with taking a high degree of self responsibility. It's the key UP value. 
  • You should always be prepared to work together with a team and be available on the client's schedule as needed.
  • UP is about community. You should plan to become an active member of the UP Community – looking for ways to make it stronger.

Read more about UP membership

Complete the form to apply