Written by Julian Stubbs | Stockholm
on October 26, 2020

With the COVID-19 crisis far from over, is inward investment dead as a topic? UNCTAD predicts that global foreign direct investment (FDI) flows will drop 40% this year and will fall by an additional 5-10% in 2021. Places, cities and nations need to figure out a way forward and what a post-pandemic world could look like. 

Join us for a 60-minute webinar on Thursday, November 19 at 9 am EST / 3pm CET with a panel discussion presented by thought leaders and experts in place branding from some of Europe’s leading places including: the UK, Netherlands, Germany and Sweden.

Register for place branding webinar

The panelists will be answering your questions regarding inward investment and their thoughts about the future. 

The panels include:

  • Chris Brown, Director, Marketing Liverpool
  • Olle Zetterberg, Former CEO, Stockholm Business Region
  • Laurens Kok, Head of Foreign Investment, The Hague Business Agency
  • Eric Menges, President & CEO, FrankfurtRhein Main GmbH, International Marketing of the Region

With Moderator Emma Löfgren of The Local 

Place Branding

Exploring tough questions

Some of the questions our panel will be exploring include:

  • With businesses rethinking their location footprint, do places need to rethink their place branding strategy towards investors?
  • Which actions did you take so far to minimize the impact of COVID-19 on securing existing and future investments?
  • Does cross-border business require the crossing of borders?
  • Will the solid German response to COVID-19 attract foreign investment? Has it grabbed the attention of investors looking to make their future investments as pandemic-proof as possible?

Add yours to the mix:

Submit your question to the panel   

Join the discussion

Go to our special LinkedIn event page to post your question, vote on your favorite ones, and connect with place marketeers from around the world.

Join us for a webinar discussion panel with place branding experts from across Europe as we explore whether foreign direct investment (FDI) still exists as a strategy in the era of COVID-19 pandemic.


Register to attend the first Place Branding Question Time webinar.

Register for place branding webinar



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