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Inbound & Content Marketing Breakfast Seminar - April 14th

Written by Julian Stubbs | Stockholm | March 7, 2016


The time is right for Inbound! 

With the development over the past few years of easy access to information over the Internet, one thing has become clear. Most people go online to do their research before buying any product or service. So what is the implication for your business?

 Businesses that want to generate more sales benefit greatly by providing valuable content – content their customers are looking for to make an informed buying decision.

If you fail to create, and make visible, the type of content that helps your future customers in their 'buyer's journey', your chances to influence their buying decisions are very slim. Your competitors will take the lead instead. 

Do you want to get started? Then join us for breakfast on April 14th!

At UP, we work closely with our clients in Inbound & Content Marketing, and support them in achieving measurable results with their precious online marketing budgets. We'd like to help you too. 

On April 14th, we're holding a breakfast seminar where we will cover the basics of Inbound & Content Marketing, and show you how you can start creating a digital marketing strategy that fits your business. 

We'd be delighted to see you there to get you started 'thinking inbound'. The inbound strategy helps you provide more value to your customers, decrease churn, and increase online lead generation and sales. Your customers will value your brand.

The seminar takes place at the Nordic Light Hotel Stockholm, 5 minutes walk from Central Station, between 7.45 AM and 9.45 AM. You're very welcome to sign up via the link below.

Looking forward to seeing you on April 14th!